
The information presented on this website is to be used solely on risk of the user.

Sonnenalp Appartements tries to keep information and offers, which are being referred to and for which Sonnenalp Appartements acts as a portal, of relevant content, complete and up-to-date; nonetheless Sonnenalp Appartements can not be held responsible for missing or incomplete information accessed via this website. Sonnenalp Appartements can not be held responsible for possible damages resulting from the services and linked information offered herein.

The website of the Sonnenalp Appartements contains links or hyperlinks to other websites located outside of the domain of the Sonnenalp Appartements. These have been selected carefully with attention towards trustworthiness to inform our users. Sonnenalp Appartements is not responsible for content and accessibility of these websites or sources. Sonnenalp Appartements can not be held responsible for content, data, information, explanation, products or other material on such websites or sources.

Upon complaints, remarks, information unlawful or conflicting with third parties, contact: Sonnenalp Appartements, Niederau 116, AT 6314 Wildschönau, Austria

Sonnenalp Appartements Wildschönau/Tirol

Ingenieur Hochmuth-Straße 116

A – 6314 Niederau, Wildschönau
Österreich, Tirol

Tel +31 6 23 58 00 76
mail: info@sonnenalp.tirol

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