Worth seeing

Bergbauernmuseum z 'Bach

The Bergbauernmuseum z 'Bach is a special experience for the whole family. The historic rooms from 1795 are home to a remarkable collection. More than 1200 exhibits show the sober life of the Tyrolean mountain farmers. The Tenn and Kuhstall building sections are used for events. The farmers and peasant women of the high valley serve delicacies from the region. A special attraction is the craft market, which takes place every Thursday from 12:00 to 17:00 during the summer months. A visit to the museum can ideally be combined with a walk on the Franziskusweg. This remarkable image trail from the Wildschönauer artist Hubert Flörl connects the towns of Niederau and Oberau and leads directly past the museum.

Öffnungszeiten Bergbauernmuseum z‘Bach:
Vorsaison 2020
bis 30. Juni
Mittwoch & Sonntag
12:00 - 17:00 Museum

01.07. bis 13.09.2020
Montag, Mittwoch & Sonntag
12:00 - 17:00 Museum


Old silver mine

Hidden in the forest on the outskirts of the village Thierbach in the Wildschönau is an old silver mine, which documents the life of the former miners. Earlier, the miners worked their way through the tunnel with mallets and irons. After a 130-year break, the old silver gallery was opened, inviting visitors to embark on a historical journey. Deep in the tunnel you will learn interesting facts about the life of the miners at the time of silver and copper mining.

1st Tirolean Wood Museum

1st Tirolean Wood Museum. Fascinating facts all about wood in the Wood Museum in the centre of Auffach. The region’s history has been inseparably entwined with the timber industry since the 17th century. Wood carver Huber Salcher has turned his ancestral home into a fascinating museum. Over 3000 exhibits are displayed in no fewer than 30 wooden chambers in the 1st Wood Museum. Through his wood carving talent Hubert has created this marvellous wooden world.

Kundler Klamm

The Kundl Gorge in Wildschönau Tirol. The natural Kundler Klamm is one of the most beautiful gorges in Austria and connects the Wildschönau Valley with the village of Kundl in the Inn Valley. The gorge is open from April to November. The Kundl Gorge is one of the the most beautiful in Austria and the shortest route between Kundl and the Wildschönau Valley. The Wildschönau river runs through it to the river Inn. The start of the Kundl Gorge walk is in Mühltal, Wildschönau. The path leads past lush meadows and through the woods to the beginning of the gorge itself.

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